Levine Senior Schedule
Current Land Classes
Monday AM Power Up 9:30AM to 10:30AM Included in Partnership & Supplemental Insurance Instructor: Jamiee
Monday Pilates Exercise (Floor) 10:30AM to 11:15AM Included in: Tier 2 Instructor: Alice
Monday Tap 11:30AM to 12:30PM Included in: Tier 2 Instructor: Katie
Monday Line Dance 12:15PM to 1:15PM Included in Partnership & Supplemental Insurance Instructor: Denise
Tuesday Chair Aerobics (Classic) 9:30AM to 10:15AM Included in Partnership & Supplemental Insurance Instructor: Kim
Tuesday Intermediate Tai Chi 9:30AM to 10:30AM Included in Partnership & Supplemental Insurance Instructor: Louis
Tuesday Circuit Exercise 10:30AM to 11:30AM Included in Partnership & Supplemental Insurance Instructor: Kim
Tuesday Beginner Tai Chi 10:30AM to 11:30AM Included in Partnership & Supplemental Insurance Instructor: Louis
Tuesday Beginner Yoga 11:45AM to 12:45PM Included in: Tier 2 Instructor: Teresa
Tuesday Strength & Tone 1:00PM to 1:45PM Included in: Tier 2 Instructor: Denise
Tuesday The Beat (Ball Drumming) 2:00PM to 3:00PM Included in: Tier 2 Instructor: Denise
Wednesday Gentle Yoga 9:15AM to 10:15AM Included in: Tier 2 Instructor: Teresa
Wednesday The Beat (Ball Drumming)10:15AM to 11:15AM Included in: Tier 2 Instructor: Denise
Wednesday Advanced Tai Chi 10:30AM to 11:30AM Included in Partnership & Supplemental Insurance Instructor: Louis
Wednesday Chair Pilates 11:45AM to 12:30PM Included in: Tier 2 Instructor: Kim
Wednesday PM Power Up 1:00PM to 2:00PM Included in Partnership & Supplemental Insurance Instructor: Jamiee
Thursday Pilates Exercise (Floor) 10:30AM to 11:15AM Included in: Tier 2 Instructor: Alice
Thursday Strength & Tone 1:00PM to 1:45PM Included in: Tier 2 Instructor: Denise
Thursday The Beat (Ball Drumming) 2:00PM to 3:00PM Included in: Tier 2 Instructor: Denise
Thursday Booty Barre 3:00PM to 3:45PM Included in: Tier 2 Instructor: Elise
Friday Chair Aerobics (Classic) 10:15AM to 11:00AM Included in Partnership & Supplemental Insurance Instructor: Nayda / Jeffrey
Friday Ballroom Dance 10:00AM to 10:45AM Included in: Tier 2 Instructor: Daryl
Friday Intermediate Tap 12:30PM to 1:30PM Included in: Tier 2 Instructor: Katie
Friday Zumba 11:15AM to 11:45AM Included in: Tier 2 Instructor: Nayda /Jeffrey
Friday Stretch & Flexibility 12:00PM to 12:30PM Included in Partnership & Supplemental Insurance Instructor: Nayda / Robin
Fee Structure:
$25 Per Month: Unlimited Land Exercise Classes with Partnership - Tier 2 (This well rounded, affordable exercise program is exclusively for Partners of Levine Senior Center. This is in addition to the Partnership fee.)
Silver Sneakers, Renew Active, FitonHealth & Silver & Fit Participants are exempt from paying fees for certain classes provided they are current with their supplemental insurance providers. $25 Per Month: Unlimited Land Exercise Classes with supplemental insurance plan - Tier 2 (This well rounded, affordable exercise program is exclusively for Supplemental Insurance Participants of Levine Senior Center)
Current Water Classes:
Aerobics Monday/Wednesday/Friday 9AM-9:50AM Instructor: Robin
Arthritis Plus Monday/Wednesday/Friday 10AM-10:50AM Instructor: Robin
Move It or Lose It Monday/Wednesday/Friday 11AM-11:50AM Instructor: Robin
Aerobics Tuesday/Thursday 8:30AM-9:15AM Instructor: Sandy
Move It or Lose It Tuesday/Thursday 9:30AM-10:15AM Instructor: Sandy
Aerobics Tuesday/Thursday 10:30AM-11:15AM Instructor: Sandy
Water Classes are priced every 8 weeks, must be a current Partner of the Center to participate in classes.
Additional Classes:
Wednesday Acrylic Painting 9:30AM to 12:30PM Painting Open Session Cost: Pay Per Class
Billiards: Monday - Friday 10:00AM to 4:00PM Drop In Included in Partnership & Supplemental Insurance
Rummicub Mondays 10AM - 12PM Drop In Included in Partnership
Spades Mondays 1PM - 3PM Drop In Included in Partnership
Pinochle & Poker Tuesday & Friday Noon - 4PM Drop In Included in Partnership
Bridge Tuesday & Thursday 12:15PM - 4PM Drop In Included in Partnership
Mah Jong Wednesday & Fridays 12PM - 4PM Drop In Included in Partnership
Mexican Train Dominos Fridays 10AM - 12PM Drop In Included in Partnership
Bingo Fridays 10AM - 12PM Drop In Included in Partnership
Table Tennis:
Monday 2:00PM to 4:30PM Drop In Included in Partnership & Supplemental Insurance
Wednesday 2:15PM to 4:45PM Drop In Included in Partnership & Supplemental Insurance
Friday 2:00PM to 4:00PM Drop In Included in Partnership & Supplemental Insurance
Recreational Pickleball:
Monday 2:00PM to 3:30PM Drop In Included in Partnership & Supplemental Insurance
Wednesday 1:00PM to 4:45PM Drop In Included in Partnership & Supplemental Insurance
Friday 1:00PM to 3:30PM Drop In Included in Partnership & Supplemental Insurance
Advanced Pickleball:
Monday 3:30PM to 4:45PM Drop In Included in Partnership & Supplemental Insurance
Friday 8:30AM to 10AM Drop In Included in Partnership & Supplemental Insurance
Other Classes & Programs:
Thursday: Busy Hands Crafting Group 9AM to 4PM Drop In Included in Partnership & Supplemental Insurance
For More Information -Call 704-846-4654, stop by the Center or Email Info@LevineSeniorCenter.org
Monthly Special Events -
2nd Monday of Each Month - 2PM - 3:30PM - Book Club
2nd Tuesday of Each Month - 10AM - Noon - Wellness Clinic with Mint Hill Pharmacy
2nd Thursday of Each Month - 9AM-10AM - Veterans Canteen
Fitness Center
Fee Structure:
Included in Partnership: Fitness Center
Silver Sneakers, Renew Active, & Silver & Fit Participants are exempt from paying fees provided they are current with their supplemental insurance providers.
Participants will be required to disinfect the fitness equipment and chairs after use. We will supply disinfecting wipes for participants to use.
No Appointments needed.
Fitness Center Hours:
Monday to Wednesday 8:30AM to 5PM
Thursday & Friday 8:30AM to 4PM
Pool - Open Swim
15 people in the pool at a time
Dressing Rooms available
$18 Per Month - Open Swim - Partnership Required
(SilverSneakers, Renew Active & Silver & Fit do NOT apply to the pool)